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Installing Laravel Valet on macOS

June 7, 2019 by Areg Sarkissian


In this post I will detail the installation and running of Laravel Valet on macOS using the PHP Composer package manager.

Note: Laravel Valet has been ported to Ubuntu Linux. Check out these links for installing Valet on Linux or Windows Subsystem for Linux on Windows 10: and You may be able to install Valet directly on the Windows 10 OS as well by using these resources and I have not attempted to install Valet on Linux or Windows so this post only applies to macOS.

Laravel Valet is a package that consists of a daemon process that runs in the background and serves up Laravel sites through an Nginx proxy server.

When we install Valet, it uses the Homebrew package manager for macOS to automatically install an Nginx web server, if it is not already installed.

During the installation, Valet also uses Homebrew to install a DNS server called Dnsmasq.

Dnsmasq acts a local DNS server intercepting and routing URIs with.test domain to our local Nginx server.

The URI’s that Valet serves will be of the form <project-name>.test where the project name in the URL specifies which Laravel project will be served.

Valet maps the project names to the directory name of the project to be served, by using the Valet park command in the parent directory of the project.

Note: we can configure a different domain name instead of .test for Valet to use. You can check out the documentation for Laravel Valet for further info.

Uninstalling Valet

To get a clean install, in case you have an old installation of Valet, you can remove Valet and its dependencies by running the following

valet uninstall
composer global remove laravel/valet
sudo brew services stop nginx
sudo brew services stop dnsmasq
brew uninstall dnsmasq
brew uninstall nginx
sudo rm -rf ~/.config/valet
rm /usr/local/bin/valet

Some of the steps may not be necessary based on your installation but will not do any harm.

Installing Valet via Composer

To install Valet we can run:

composer global require laravel/valet

the global composer.json file is located at:


So requiring valet globally installs the valet executable file at:


The installation also adds the symlinks:

~/.composer/vendor/bin/valet -> ~/.composer/vendor/laravel/valet/valet

So we have to make sure ~/.composer/vendor/bin is added to the path env variable to run the valet command.

The installation also creates the configuration directory for Valet at:


Once Valet is installed, we can check its version by running:

valet --version

Configuring Valet with Nginx ad Dnsmaq

After Composer installs Valet, we need to configure Valet. We can do so by running:

valet install

This command will use Homebrew to download and install Nginx and Dnsmasq servers and configure Valet to use them. Installing Nginx and Dnsmasq will add the nginx and dnsmasq services on your system and start them up.

Configuring Valet to serve web projects

To add our projects to be served by Valet, go to the directory where our Laravel projects reside and run:

valet park

This will serve any project using the URI <project-name>.test in the web browser.

For example, let’s say you had a Laravel project directory named movies and this directory was created inside the ~/dev directory. In this case you would navigate to ~/dev directory and run the valet park command.

After running the command, you should be able to navigate your browser to movies.test and see your Laravel movies project homepage being served.

Also if we check the file ~/.config/valet/config.json shown below we will see that ~/dev is added to the paths property. Note that the tld (top level domain) property is set to test which is why we append the .test domain to the project name.

    "tld": "test",
    "paths": [

Troubleshooting Valet install

If after running valet install and valet park, the sites are not being resolved, check if the nginx and dnsmsq services were actually installed and are running.

You can verify if they were installed and are running by running this command:

brew list

If either service is not listed or is stopped you will need to install and run it manually.

When I uninstalled Valet and re-installed it on my system, for some reason the valet install command did not re-install the Nginx and Dnsmasq packages.

So I had use Homebrew to manually install and run them so Valet would work.

Here are the steps I took

brew install dnsmasq
brew install nginx
sudo brew services start dnsmasq
sudo brew services start nginx

Troubleshooting other issues

One issue I ran into with running the valet command was that it required sudo privilege

To not require sudo execute:

valet trust

For some reason valet park was not working because app was not served using .test tld.

To fix you can try:

valet start

This restarts all the nginx and dnsmasq processes

If it is still not working try re-installing valet

If that does not work try un-installing valet then doing a fresh install

Note the valet uninstall removes the current php installation so PHP and possibly its extensions may need to be re-installed via homebrew and pecl again. Also seem like the valet uninstall effected my current nvm node setting where node and npm were not found. This was most likely due to the node path setting being modified during the valet uninstall. To resolve that I used the nvm use <nodeversion> command to reset the node path


In this post I described how to install Laravel Valet on macOS to be able to serve all your Laravel projects without having to manually launch a web server.

Thanks for reading.